...all about ASCUS

ASCUS creates a space for those wishing to re-interpret or re-mould the way that individuals and the public engage with art and science. As an organisation we facilitate connections between these two, seemingly disparate, worlds and aim to foster a creative and boundary-pushing dialogue between scientists and artists. As well as supporting the creation of art-science collaborative work we host lectures, workshops and events for anyone with an interest in either discipline, who wishes to see what this exciting fusion of ideas and methods can produce. Our work also spans beyond this to include aiding public engagement with science and innovation through art-science teaching and training. See our website to find out more: www.ascus.org.uk.

Read on to discover what happens when ASCUS goes to...

Friday 28 June 2013

What spores can we see at the EIFF?

ASCUS partially abbreviates Art Science Collaborative. An ascus also is an organ in lichen - itself a structure formed by a symbiosis of organisms from two very different kingdoms (fungi and plants), just as we are a symbiosis or artists and scientists. In lichen, the ascus is the place where spores are produced which then colonise new, barren areas of the world.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

The Edinburgh International Film Festival 2013

Courtesy of the EIFF
We are very excited to have been given the opportunity to see three of the films screening at this year's festival, courtesy of our friends over at the EIFF.

Not sure what the EIFF is and what on earth it has to do with ASCUS (or science in general)? Check out our 'Edinburgh International Film Festival' page (from the tabs above) for some history and more information! Or, check out the website for details of the entire wonderful line up this year at:

Come back soon to read up on 'Black Box 3: Matter and Metamorphosis', 'Hawking' and 'Frankenstein's Army'.  If you can't wait that long, or want to go to a screening yourself, then follow the links below for more information. Bookings are all made through the EIFF website, and the festival is based at the central Filmhouse Cinema.

Black Box 3: Matter and Metamorphosis, 27th June (only 1 showing, so get a move on!):

Hawking, 28th June (also only 1 showing, so ditto, get booking!):

Frankenstein's Army 28th & 29th June:
You can also see the trailer here:

We are pretty excited about Friday . . . starting with a documentary about one of the world's leading scientists, followed by a zombie/ horror gore fest - with a hefty dose of sci-fi thrown in - not bad for a night at the cinema! Get yourself down to the Filmhouse to see for yourself - we hear they even have a bar.